
Increasingly Malicious Media Manipulation of Public Opinion
Believers Are an Endangered Species
【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 122
The approval rating for the Shinzo Abe Cabinet dropped across the board in June public opinion polls. In the Sankei/FNN poll, it dropped 8.5 points from 56.1% in May to 47.6% in June. Yomiuri and Nikkei were 49%, Kyodo News was 33.9%, Asahi was 41%, and Mainichi was 36%, all below 50%.
Is this a victory for the opposition parties and the media? I don’t think so. A major portion of the people is disgusted with the “Kokkai Giin [see below]” who ignore the crisis in North Korea and the continuing terrorist incidents in Europe and instead single-mindedly continue to work only to bring down the Abe cabinet.
Yomiuri also announced data according to age groups. The cabinet support rate was over 60% for those in their 30s or younger. The huge fuss over the “Moritomo Gakuen” and “Kake Gakuen” issues and concerning the diet voting for the amendment to the “Partial Revision of the Act for Punishment of Organized Crimes, Control of Crime Proceeds and Other Matters” establishing a new crime of “preparing to commit a terrorist crime,” which was viewed by the Democratic Party and other opposition parties and a part of the media as a good chance to bring down the cabinet, did not resonate with the younger generation.
This is no doubt due to the fact that, compared with middle-aged and older people, they get a variety of news and information through Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.
The gap between the generation that judges things only by information on television and in newspapers and the generation that also refers to information on the internet continues to widen. In several decades, the present younger generation will be middle-aged or older. Those people who manipulate public opinion through traditional media are an endangered species.